These 7 Dip Recipes Are Dangerously Easy & Addicting- You’ve Been Warned!

  • easy dip recipes


Easy Dip Recipes #6

We Don’t Know If A More Perfect (And Easy) Dip Exists… Beer Dip is an incredibly simple and dangerously addicting recipe that my husband and I have been making for years as an easy dinner (ahem) or late night snack.

beer dip

It’s great served with pretzels, crackers and veggies and is a perfect appetizer for any occasion. It was the first thing on our list of ”must makes” for our party and the first thing to be polished off.

It was unanimous amongst our guests that it was the best snack we served. And with just a few ingredients it was definitely one of our favorite easy dip recipes to make. The perfect blend of salty and savory with tang from beer and cream cheese it’s like a party in every bite!



(2) 8 ounce packages of cream cheese at room temperature

(1) 4.3 ounce glass jar of real bacon bits

2 cups of shredded cheese- recipe calls for cheddar and parmesan but I just use cheddar

½ chopped onion

1 small packet of ranch salad dressing mix

¾ cup of beer at room temperature



Combine cream cheese, bacon, cheese, onion and ranch mix in a bowl and roughly mix together. A stand mixer or potato masher is ideal for combining these ingredients.

Next, add beer and combine everything well. If you would like your dip even easier to spread, you can add more beer in small amounts and mixing until you have reached your ideal consistency.

Let sit for about 30 minutes (if you can!) and then serve!

Recipe and image courtesy of Try Anything Once Culinary.


Quick Tip: If you don’t have ranch dressing mix try subbing a teaspoon of garlic powder and Italian seasoning. The taste won’t be quite the same but will still be tasty!

By | 2018-03-03T01:04:12+00:00 December 15th, 2017|Appetizer, Side Dish, Snacks|2 Comments


  1. June Zinn February 26, 2018 at 10:07 am - Reply

    Wouldn’t Give But 1 Recipe #7 not very nice when say get 7 dip recipes and it goes to #7 every time

    • Aunt Betty's February 27, 2018 at 7:47 am - Reply

      Hi June, below recipe instructions there is a red Next Page-link that will take you to the next dip. 🙂

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