You’ll Never Guess What’s In These Rice Krispies!

  • pumpkin spice rice krispies

Did Someone Say Pumpkin Spice?

To say my kids love rice krispies is an understatement. If they could, they would live off the blue wrapped treats. For their October class party where they celebrate birthdays, another mom brought in these delicious dessert bites. I was intrigued at first because they have a hint of orange, which is not normal for rice krispies. I thought maybe they were burnt or they had food coloring of some sort for Halloween month.

When I asked, she told me the secret ingredient: pumpkin! You taste it immediately when biting into the gooey marshmallow treat.All of the traditioanl spices paired with the puree really sets the flavor. The teacher was also oohing and ahhing over the dessert. It’s a fun twist on an easy classic that really embraces autumn.

I stole this recipe from her that day and made it for my officemates the following week. I always use them as my guinea pigs when I’m trying new things in the kicthen. They raved about the unique flavor – it’s like a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte mixd with rice krispies. They are delicious and you won’t want to stop eating them!


Quick tip: Let the pumpkin dry out on a paper towel to avoid having the end result too moist.

Recipe and image courtesy of Mom Makes Joy.

By | 2017-09-25T18:31:25+00:00 September 25th, 2017|005, Author, Dessert, Fall|0 Comments

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