Black Cats, Bats And Witches’ Hats!

  • cinnamon sugar crisps

4 Ingredients & Just A Few Minutes To Make This Oh-So-Tasty Snack

Would you like to be able to serve a simple treat to the kids and adults at your Halloween Party this year? This super-easy, tasty recipe from Elise will allow you to do just that. You can make them plain and simple, as shown in the image, above, or you can get fancy and use your Halloween cookie cutters to make them in the form of ghosts, black cats, cats and witches’ hats, which will just add to the fun.

As Elise says, “They’re just too good not to enjoy.” Do you remember cinnamon toast? I have many fond memories of creeping down the stairs early in the morning, while the rest of the house slept, to enjoy this guilty pleasure all by myself.

I would make myself a slice of cinnamon toast and have that and a tall glass of cold milk before heading out the door for a long day of playing in the world of my vivid imagination. These cinnamon sugar tortilla crisps are just like cinnamon toast, only lighter.

This recipe is also one that is very easy to make, so it is safe to have children participate in making it with you. It is this type of shared activity in the kitchen that builds many fond memories.


Quick Tip:  Although the listed quantities of cinnamon sugar and butter are adequate to complete the recipe, if you double these amounts, it will make it easier to complete the dipping and dredging required in the recipe.

Recipe and image courtesy of Elise at Simply Recipes

By | 2017-10-28T15:22:02+00:00 October 28th, 2017|001, Author, Fall, Halloween, Snacks|0 Comments

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