I was so delighted when the host of a baby shower I was at some years ago gave me the recipe for the best potato salad I’ve ever eaten. There are so many delicious ingredients in it, but it tastes so fresh and the consistency is absolutely perfect.
After tasting it for the first time, I understand why the recipe is originally so big. You have to make a giant bowl of it to please everybody! If you’re just cooking for a home meal, you can quarter this recipe. You’ll be wishing you made more though! I know I always do!
15 russet potatoes – small to medium size
3 hard boiled eggs – chopped
1 bunch of fresh dill – chopped including stems
1 jar of Best Foods (Hellmans) Mayonnaise – 30 ounces
1/2 cup of sliced black olives
1 1/2 cups Hormel Real Crumbled Bacon – dice all pieces of the crumbled bacon
1/4 cup prepared yellow mustard
2 green onions – chop 1 entire green onion; chop just the green section of the 2nd green onion
5 medium size sweet pickles – diced
7 stalks of celery – diced
1/4 cup fresh chopped parsley – either Italian or curly parsley
1 ½ teaspoons salt – for the potato salad
1/2 teaspoon salt – for the boiling water
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
Boil the potatoes ahead of time so they have time to cool. Bring large pot of water to boil and add 1/2 teaspoon salt. Wash the potatoes and cut off any scars. Add the potatoes with the skins still on to the boiling water.
Test for doneness by poking a fork into the potatoes. If the potatoes still feel hard they’re not quite done yet. Boiling time is about 45 minutes but it may take more or less time depending on the size of the potatoes. When cooked, put the potatoes on a plate and cool them in the refrigerator.
In a large bowl mix together all of the ingredients, except the potatoes, salt and eggs (set aside a small portion of the dill and bacon to sprinkle over the finished product). Add the chopped eggs and stir into the mixture.
With the skins on, cut the cooled potatoes into cubes and add to the mixture about 2 potatoes at a time. Gently mix all ingredients together as you add the potatoes. Salt to taste. Garnish with bacon bits and dill. Serve chilled or at room temperature.
Quick Tip: For a small batch, you can half this recipe or even quarter it.
Recipe and image courtesy of: Coupon Clipping Cook
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