This Halloween, Who Ya Gonna Call? Ghostbusters!

  • ghost meringues

Spookily Lighter Than Air

Can’t you just hear the Ghostbusters theme music in your head when you look at these? We all know that ghosts are lurking everywhere during the Halloween season. Ghosts are insubstantial, so if you had to choose a food to represent them on your Halloween party buffet table, what would you select?

How about meringue? Isn’t that perfect? Meringue is so light that it almost doesn’t exist, and this startling recipe that Kelly created for making these cute ghosts is something I never would have even thought of doing.

With only 4 ingredients, these are quick and easy to put together, too. Only 3 of those ingredients are used to actually make these little darlings. The last ingredient, black gel frosting, is used to create those expressive ghostly faces. I love the way that they all have their own unique character and facial expression. I can almost see a horde of these, screaming down the hallway in my house.

Even though you are baking these at a very low temperature, they still have the potential to start turning brown as the sugar begins to caramelize. You will need to watch them carefully to make sure this doesn’t happen.


Quick Tip:  If you don’t have an icing bag with a large round decorating tip to use in making the ghosts, don’t worry, you can still create these ghosts. Just put your icing in a Ziploc bag, twist it closed to apply pressure and cut a good-sized hole in one end. Now just push the bag down onto your prepared baking sheet and squeeze. Lift the bag a little, push down and squeeze again to make the next layer in your ghost stack. You can make them as tall as you want. After the last layer, pull your bag up and give it a little flip to create the top of your ghost’s head.

Recipe and image courtesy of Kelly at Smart School House

By | 2017-10-30T15:24:25+00:00 October 28th, 2017|001, Author, Fall, Halloween, Snacks|0 Comments

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