You’ll Never Guess What Gives this Fried Chicken Its Surprised Kick

  • fried chick

This isn’t your average fried chicken!

It is coconut! This surprising combination will win over your taste buds. The sweetness of the coconut compliments the savory and salty chicken.

The coconut helps to keep the chicken moist and tender. It stays crispy, and gives you a surprise flavor of sweetness when you bite into it.

Coconut pairs really nicely with a lot of different flavors, but chicken is the perfect blank canvas to add this new and upcoming flavor to. It may seem strange to coat the chicken in coconut, but you will be pleasantly surprised when it turns out to be an amazing dish that no one has ever tasted before.

Sometime a common problem while cooking chicken is that it becomes dry, but the outer layer of coconut provides a safety barrier from the hot oil. It also infuses its own exotic flavor into the meat.

The picture may look like panko crumbs were used, but don’t be fooled. It is definitely coconut, and it is the better alternative to the crispy outside. Panko crumbs can easily become soggy, and that is not a palatable texture for any of the eaters.

The coconut shreds are much crisper than panko, and therefore it is more likely to retain its crunchiness even after a bath in oil or a trip to the oven.


Quick Tip: Use a candy thermometer to determine the temperature of the oil.

Photo and Recipe Courtesy of Nums the Word


By | 2017-08-17T10:42:09+00:00 July 16th, 2017|Catherine N, Dinner, Main Dish, Snacks|0 Comments

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