You’ll Instantly Recognize The Taste Of This One Pot Wonder!

  • one pot creamy french onion pasta bake

This Is Something You Can Really Sink Your Teeth Into!

Tieghan’s really outdone herself with this amazingly delicious recipe! Have you ever craved the taste of something, but wanted it to be just a little bit “more,” somehow? I imagine that is right where Tieghan’s head was at when she created this showstopper recipe.

Hmmm….I would really like some French onion soup, but I’m hungry for more than that! I know, I’ll add pasta. Everybody loves pasta, right? Oops! As Tieghan says herself, “Did you know that not everyone craves/loves/NEEDS pasta??” Personally, I can’t begin to imagine a life without pasta, but I am certain that there are some pasta-shunning holdouts in every family.

Maybe people in France consider French onion soup to be comfort food. To me, however, it is just too light and delicate to be all that comforting. But the same is not true of this pasta-filled version of this iconic dish. The addition of pasta turns it into the type of meal you could eat while bundled up in front of a cozy fire in the middle of winter. Yes, it is good to start planning ahead for such meals, because winter IS coming.

So tuck this recipe away in your collection. When the cold winds are howling, and snow is blowing sideways through your life, pull it out and make up a batch. Your whole family will be thanking you.


Quick Tip:   Although the recipe calls for Gorgonzola cheese, a lot of people would find this member of the Bleu cheese family too strong, especially if you have picky eaters. Feta cheese crumbles or grated Swiss or Parmesan cheeses might be a better choice for most.

Recipe and image courtesy of Tieghan at Half Baked Harvest

By | 2017-08-10T14:31:20+00:00 August 10th, 2017|001, Dinner, Main Dish|0 Comments

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