Queen Who?

  • quinoa fried rice

This Is Not Fried Rice, It Just Tastes Like It Might Be!

Does it bother any of you when something new and different comes along and they try to describe it using a slightly-changed, old term? This dish is called Quinoa Fried Rice. Yet there isn’t a grain of rice to be found anywhere in the dish. There isn’t even any grain in the dish, period. It is fried quinoa, prepared in a similar manner to fried rice.

This is a great-tasting, easy to prepare dish that Tiffany created. As she puts it, “Eating a salad while craving comfort food does not sound very fun.” Maybe that is the reason why this dish is being labeled as “quinoa fried rice.” We are already familiar with fried rice, and many do find it extremely comforting, after all, it contains enough starchy carbs to drop a horse into a grain-based-carb-induced coma, stopping it dead in its tracks.

But along comes innocent quinoa. Nutty, light, flavorful and with some real “tooth” to it, giving it a delightfully chewy texture. What’s not to love about an innocent little seed like that? Yes, it’s true. Quinoa is NOT a grain, and don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise! It is the seed of an ancient species of amaranth plant, grown high in the Andes Mountains.


Quick Tip:  The secret to making great quinoa (or regular) fried rice lies in using day old rice or quinoa. Using a newly-cooked batch of either one, and then trying to fry it, will make the rice/quinoa turn to mush that has the gummy consistency of sushi rice instead of the separate pieces you desire as your result.

Recipe and image courtesy of Tiffany at Living Sweet Moments

By | 2017-08-10T14:31:17+00:00 August 10th, 2017|001, Dinner, Lunch, Main Dish, Side Dish|0 Comments

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