Your Guests Will Go Batty Over These Halloween Treats!

  • wonton bats

    These Cute Little Bats Will Lend A Festive Air To Your Halloween Buffet

    Let’s have a show of hands of all the people that love fried foods. Yep, I thought so. Most everyone loves at least one type of fried food that they just couldn’t live without. The one food they would take with them if they were going to have to live the rest of their lives on a deserted island.

    But have any of you ever had fried bats? No? You really should try them, as they are quite delicious. Of course I am not talking about real bats here! Those would entirely too hard to skin, and there’s precious little meat on their bones to even make the ghost of a decent meal.

    The fried bats I am sharing with you are a tasty appetizer. You may have eaten them in Oriental restaurants in the form of Crab Rangoon. The bats in this recipe don’t have a crab meat filling, but they are stuffed full or herbed cream cheese and fried to golden perfection. After that, you decorate them, and as you can see from the image, the faces of these little treats can be quite expressive. These will be a great addition to your Halloween buffet.


    Quick Tip:  Your oil must be hot enough for frying. It will cool down between batches, so make sure you give the oil time to reheat. Test by putting a wooden spoon into the oil. If bubbles form around the spoon, you oil is at the perfect temperature for frying. Cold oil will give you soggy, greasy results.

    Recipe and image courtesy of First for Women

    By | 2017-11-02T09:55:34+00:00 October 31st, 2017|001, Author, Fall, Halloween, Snacks|0 Comments

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