This Delicious Pizza Is Ready In Less Than 30 Minutes And Is Sure To Be A Hit With The Whole Family!

  • easy french bread pizza

    Nothing Beats Pizza For Dinner—And This Homemade Version Is Just As Easy As Calling For Delivery

    Whenever a new school year starts it’s always a fun adventure to try to figure out how everyone’s schedules line up. My husband works in retail, which means his schedule is rarely ever the same two weeks in a row. My daughter plays three different sports and my son recently formed a band with some friends that practices constantly.

    And me? Well I’ve got a stable schedule at my job (thank goodness!) which means I’m usually in charge of trying to get the family together for dinner as often as I can. My huge kitchen whiteboard calendar keeps my sane. And any meal that takes longer than 45 minutes to prepare is pretty much never getting made.

    That’s why this last summer I was smart. I began bookmarking recipes that looked tasty (and quick) to make throughout the school year. This made it a lot less stressful when September hit. Instead of scrambling every night to think of something to make I’d just revisit my list of ideas and choose one.

    While quite a few have turned out to be new family favorites this one in particular has been requested almost every week since I first made it. And it’s easy to see why.


    Quick tip: Make individual “French” bread pizzas by applying this same technique to halved large, crusty dinner rolls and let everyone choose their own toppings.

    Recipe and image courtesy of Brown Sugar Mama.

    By | 2018-03-05T14:55:13+00:00 January 15th, 2018|002, Main Dish|0 Comments

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