This Dessert Pizza Is Out of This World Delicious—A Must Make Recipe!

  • dessert pizza

This Is A Perfect  Recipe For Any Special Occasion

Over the last  few years my cooking and baking skills have really hit their stride. For the longest time the kitchen was my husband’s domain and my kids knew to ask Daddy if they wanted anything fancier than toast or cereal from the kitchen. But the more I watched my husband create delicious meals and desserts, the more I wanted to improve my own culinary skills.

I started off small with simple recipe that my husband assured me even the most novice cooks could successfully make. (This was attested to by the fact that my 8-year-old daughter had already mastered some.) I remember the first time I successfully made baked ziti—it seemed like I could conquer anything in the cooking world!

However, for a while the science of baking still alluded me. The preciseness required for some recipes was intimidating—especially in recipes that called for yeast. I thought there was no way I could ever make something that requiring rising and resting. I would leave that to my husband.

Until one day when he was gone on a week long business trip. My youngest son showed me a picture of a recipe he wanted to try, and I couldn’t bear telling him he’d have to wait.

So we didn’t.


Quick tip: If you don’t have honey on hand use 2 tbsp sugar in its place.

Recipe and image courtesy of Bigger Bolder Baking.

By | 2017-11-29T13:35:14+00:00 November 27th, 2017|002, Author, Dessert|0 Comments

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