A Brookie? A Crownie?

  • cookie dough brownies

Like Cookie Dough? You’ll Love These!

Remember how your mother and every other adult in your life always warned you not to eat the cookie dough when you were making cookies? But we all LOVED cookie dough! We would whine and pout but they wouldn’t relent. Why all the fuss?

It was because of the raw eggs that are in cookie dough. Eggs can carry the Salmonella bacteria, and can make you very, very sick. So it was really for our own good. Now, tell me this. Just how many of you ate cookie dough anyway? I know I did! I never got sick from it, did you?

Regardless, there is now a solution in Sabrina’s first-rate cookie dough brownie recipe. This cookie dough is perfectly safe for us to eat, as it has no eggs. This recipe is really pretty clever. First you bake the brownie. Then when they have cooled, you top them off with raw cookie dough.

But you don’t bake it again! That’s right, the dough on top is raw with cooked brownies underneath! How clever is that?

Now you can have your cake, the brownies, that is, and eat it, too (the raw cookie dough)! Whoever first thought of combining these two desserts in this was a genius, pure and simple!


Quick Tip:  If you want to be able to easily remove the brownies from the pan, line the pan with foil or parchment paper that is draped up over the side so you can use it has handles to lift the brownies from the pan.

Recipe courtesy of Sabrina at Dinner Then Dessert, image courtesy of RecipeGirl

By | 2017-10-30T15:24:29+00:00 October 28th, 2017|001, Author, Dessert, Snacks|0 Comments

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