You’ll Never Need Another Cookie Recipe Again After Making This One!

  • oatmeal raisin cookies

Sometimes The Oldest Recipes Are The Best Recipes

I know, I know, everyone has had oatmeal raisin cookies before. What could be so special about these? I swear, these are the chewiest and most flavorful oatmeal raisin cookies you will very bite into, and you’ll never bother with another cookie recipe again.

My husband has an aunt who emigrated to the United States from Germany, and he has always raved about these amazing cookies she had made for him when he visited her as a kid. He hasn’t had them in over fifteen years; so, for his birthday, I just had to get the recipe.

I begged and begged my husband’s aunt over the phone for the recipe, and she finally let me have it. I never told my husband I had the oatmeal cookie recipe because I wanted to keep it a surprise. I made secretly made them while he was at work on his birthday, and I snuck one cookie from the batch when they were done baking to see what all the fuss was about.

They were so delicious! Every bite of the cookie is perfectly sweet and chewy. I offered the plate of cookies to my husband when he came home, and his face instantly lit up after taking the first bite! He knew right away that is was his aunt’s recipe, and he even shed a little tear for the cookies!


Quick Tip: You can soak the raisins in rum beforehand for a fun twist!

Recipe and Image courtesy of: Genius Kitchen

By | 2017-12-07T03:57:06+00:00 October 11th, 2017|004, Author, Dessert, In Demand, Main Dish, Popular|1 Comment

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