You’ll Only Need One Pot To Make This Satisfying Comfort Food

  • one pot beef stroganoff soup

One Simple Ingredient Transforms This Soup From Ho-Hum To Wowza!

Beef stroganoff has always been one of my all-time favorite meals. It was one of the very first things I learned to make when I went to college and had to really start keeping my own household, independent of my family. It was easy and incredibly tasty – one dish that I never got tired of making and eating. So I was very excited when I found Amy’s tasty adaptation of my favorite dish, turning it into a soup.

I could easily imagine how this could have come about by happy accident in my kitchen. After all, if you have a little excess liquid in your beef stroganoff, haven’t you just created soup? How incredibly easy! Now I am wondering why I didn’t think of that possibility before seeing this great recipe.

There is one simple ingredient that is going to transform this basic beef noodle soup from the level of the ho-hum dish that gets those, “We’re having this again?”-type comments to dead silence around your table as everyone savors the unbelievable taste of this hearty, satisfying soup. What is that ingredient? Nothing more than a tiny bit of sour cream! It not only adds the characteristic flavor of beef stroganoff, but also imparts a silky-smooth texture to the broth.


Quick Tip:  You also can freeze some of this outstanding dish to enjoy at a later date, so you might want to make a double batch.

Recipe and image courtesy of Amy at Belly Full

By | 2018-01-19T13:11:37+00:00 January 16th, 2018|001, Author, Dinner, Lunch, Main Dish|0 Comments

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