I Think One Of Those Just Winked At Me!

  • eyeball pasta halloween dinner

I Can’t Eat If You Are Going To Stare At Me Like That!

Have you ever looked at a plate of food at thought to yourself, “I just can’t eat that?” I will admit that I have consumed some rather strange and interesting things in my time, such as calamari, snails, anchovies, chia seed pudding and Dirty Martinis. I like to think of myself as an adventurous foodie that will try just about anything, once.

But even I have my limits, and my line in the sand is firmly drawn around eyeballs. I won’t eat whole fish with the head still on it because of those dead eyes staring at me. I always try to remember to inform the wait staff of my eccentricity. Once, I forgot. I was having dinner with some lively companions in a city I seldom visit.

They had recommended a local seafood restaurant that was “just the best.” We waited an hour for seats – with a reservation! It was half an hour before a waiter even noticed us and took our orders. Another 45 minutes passed before the food was served. Sure enough, they had brought me a fish with its head intact! My fault entirely, as I had forgotten to inform the waiter, and he hadn’t bothered to ask my preferences.


Quick Tip:  Want to make those eyes look even more realistic? Use black olives for the pupils, use food coloring gel to paint a colored iris around the pupil and then squiggle on a few red bloodshot lines.

Recipe and image courtesy of Emma at BBC Good Food

By | 2017-10-30T15:24:26+00:00 October 28th, 2017|001, Author, Dinner, Fall, Halloween, Lunch, Main Dish|0 Comments

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