If You Like Mexican Food, You Will Love This!
I will readily confess that I am addicted to Mexican food. I just love the spices, the textures, the ease-of-preparation – everything! Whenever I am not sure exactly what I am in the mood to eat, 9 times out of 10 I will decide on Mexican food. I just can’t seem to get enough of it.
BUT! I haven’t really tried making much of it at home, other than the occasional taco, and that doesn’t really count, in my book. But when I saw the ingredients and simple preparation of this recipe from DANITHOM25, I knew that this was something that I would be confident preparing for myself, family and friends.
I also liked the fact that it wasn’t your typical taco, burrito or enchilada. C’mon folks, you KNOW that the Mexican people eat a far more varied diet than those few things, right? Don’t let yourself be brain-washed by the American fast-food restaurant interpretation of Mexican cuisine!
I have been working on my shopping list for this coming month, and I have added the ingredients to make this dish. Yes, I really DO shop for the entire month at the beginning of each month, other than supplementing throughout the month with fresh produce and dairy products.
Quick Tip: If you shy away from pre-packaged taco seasonings because of their salt content, look for those marked “low sodium” or make your own salt-free version. In a small Ziploc bag, place the following spices: 1 Tbsp. chili powder, 1 tsp ground cumin, 1 tsp paprika, 1 tsp garlic powder and 1/8 – ¼ tsp crushed red pepper flakes, depending on how spicy you like it. Close the bag tightly, leaving some air inside, and shake vigorously to mix. Each packet of pre-made taco seasoning contains roughly 2 Tbsp. which is the same amount you have created with this recipe, so you would use the entire amount in preparing this casserole.
Recipe and image courtesy of DANITHOM25 at Spark Recipes
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