Sick Of Boring Canned Green Beans? Give This A Try And Fall In Love With This Delicious Veggie All Over Again

  • bacon pepper green beans

It’s A Fact That Bacon Makes Everything Better, Which Means You’ll Love This Dish

A few weeks ago my husband informed me that his team at work had planned a weekend get together for their work team and that spouses and significant others were invited. Now I’ll be the first to admit that my husband and I are not the most social of butterflies and in situations like this we’d normally let the other off the hook when it came to attending.

However, this get together was with one of the big whigs in his company in charge of deciding who would be promoted in his department, so my hubby had to throw down the whole ”we’re married and sometimes you gotta do things you don’t wanna do” card. Of course, I obliged and spent approximately a week trying to figure out what I was going to wear. Only to realize the day before that I never decided on what to bring as our dish to pass.

I mentally ran through my usual list of go-to sides and snacks and none of them seemed quite up to snuff with the type of event this would be. So I did what any grown woman does when she needs help and called my mom.

And she knew just what to make.


Quick tip: Add a quarter cup toasted, slivered almonds to the final dish for an added layer of flavor and texture.

Recipe and image courtesy of Life Ambrosia.

By | 2017-09-20T17:15:35+00:00 September 19th, 2017|002, Author, Side Dish|0 Comments

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