This Easy and Tasty Side Dish Is The Perfect Way To
My husband and I couldn’t me more opposite when it comes to foods we like. I’m a chocolate girl all the way and he adores everything vanilla. I love seafood and he won’t touch it with a 10-foot pole. I could eat breakfast foods for every meal and he doesn’t like to eat until noon.
And don’t even get me started on spicy foods.
He has the highest spicy food tolerance of anyone I know. A food that starts to turn my face red and has me reaching desperately for the nearest cool beverage doesn’t even register on his spicy food radar. This makes cooking for him a little challenging when he’s in the mood for spice. Fortunately, I have found that I’m able to tolerate buffalo wing hot sauce actually fairly well.
That’s what I’ve been using to create recipes both of us will love—and that won’t leave my mouth feeling scorched after. We’ve tried buffalo chicken dip (so good we can make a meal out of it), casserole, and mac ‘n cheese. But this latest recipe has become our new buffalo favorite.
Quick tip: To make these extra delicious after assembling the sandwiches place them in a baking dish, brush with melted butter and bake for 10 minutes.
Recipe and image courtesy of Super Easy Chicken Recipes.
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