New Approach To Summer’s Bounty

  • zucchini bake

    Bright, Fresh and Easy Summer Veggie Casserole

    I know, I know. They looked so cute when they were baby plants, sitting there in flats in the nursery, reaching their tender leaves up toward the sky. “That’s what I’ll do,” you muttered to yourself as you loaded half a flat of each into your car, “I’ll grow some tomatoes and zucchini!” Ah, what fools we mortals be!

    Little did you realize when you set out on this fool’s errand that those innocent-looking little plants were going to turn into something akin to the voracious plant, Audrey II, from the Little Shop of Horrors, only in a reverse kind of way. Instead of needing to be fed, these little monster plants started producing enough tomatoes and zucchini to feed your entire extended family. Then your entire neighborhood! Aaarrrggghhh! What are you supposed to do with all of that produce?

    Fortunately, Olena has come to your rescue with this great new recipe that will allow you to use some of your bountiful harvest. Her superb casserole is simple in concept. Take the tomatoes and zucchini and bake them. But it is the garlic, Parmesan cheese and other seasonings that make it so tasty that you will find yourself turning to it again and again. It is perfect for potlucks, family gatherings, dinner parties and just about any occasion where people will gather to eat.


    Quick Tip:  Here’s a quick way to cut up your zucchini for this recipe. Cut the zucchini in half lengthwise. Lay the cut edge flat on your cutting board with the rounded surface facing you. Cut down the middle, lengthwise. Now place each of those quarter-zucchini strips on one of its flat sides and slice to size.

    Recipe and image courtesy of Olena at ifoodreal

    By | 2017-09-08T03:46:20+00:00 September 2nd, 2017|001, Dinner, Side Dish, Summer|1 Comment

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