Looking For Healthy Casseroles? Try This One!

  • creamy chicken quinoa broccoli casserole

Think Healthy Can’t Be Tasty? This May Become Your New Favorite Meal!

Okay, folks – time to get a little bit serious. It always seems like I pack on a pound or 20 during this time of year. Does this happen to you, too? It seems so incredibly easy to gain weight, it’s almost as if all I have to do is look at food, and the next morning three pounds are showing up on my scale!

On the other hand, it is devilishly hard to get those pounds back off again. So if you are like me, right about now you are looking around for recipes that not only will help you improve your health, but also help you drop those stubborn pounds. This hearty and healthy recipe from Lindsay can help out.

I can hear you out there….”Eww, it has queen-oh-ah in it! I don’t like that!” Ahem. Have you ever actually tried quinoa (it’s pronounced “KEEN-wah,” by the way) before? The taste is sweet and nutty, and the texture is somewhat like grits, only softer. “But it looks like bird seed! Why would I want to eat bird seed?” Well, let’s see….there’s the delicious taste, to begin with. Oh, and it has a lot of great nutrients in it, too. Sort of like killing two birds with one seed!


Quick Tip:  It is a good idea to rinse your quinoa before cooking it. Quinoa is the seed of the amaranth plant and defends itself from birds by coating itself in a substance that will repel the birds. Does it taste bad if you don’t rinse it? No, but the taste IS a bit stronger. Rinsing it also causes the seeds to start opening, so it cooks quicker and more fully. Get yourself a fine-mesh strainer (dollar store model works fine) and put the quinoa in it and run it under cold water until the water is no longer cloudy. This only takes a few minutes. Then add it to the recipe.

Recipe and image courtesy of Lindsay at Pinch of Yum

By | 2018-01-25T12:17:53+00:00 January 19th, 2018|001, Author, Dinner, Main Dish|0 Comments

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