Looking For An Easy & Delicious Dinner? This Is The Recipe For You!

  • cheesy chicken and rice casserole

This Recipe Shows  That Simple Ingredients Can Turn Into Truly Special Dishes

As I’ve gotten older I can tell my tastes in food have changed. When  I was younger I was what you’d call a ”food snob”—I loved anything if it was expensive (even if it really tasted awful) and turned my nose up at classic dishes like casseroles and crock pot meals because they wouldn’t be caught dead on the menu of 5 star restaurants.

I can vividly remember a dinner we had for my 22nd birthday. We went to the fanciest restaurant within 50 miles of my apartment. The menu was barely in English, and my friends wondered why prices weren’t listed. I told them they needed to learn to step outside of their comfort zone and try new things before letting our waiter choose my meal—whatever was their special that evening.

As our food was brought out I eyed my plate up; I honestly wasn’t even sure I recognized what it was. It looked bad and ended up tasting worse. Then when we got the bill my eyes nearly bugged out of my head.

Right then and  there I decided that I was out of my fancy food phase. My friends (and my wallet) all rejoiced at the decision.

And my stomach did, too. Because for once I stopped turning away deliciousness like this!


Quick tip: If you can’t bake for the full half hour that’s fine! Just make sure the cheese on top is all melted and everything is heated through.

Recipe and image courtesy of For the Love of Jordica.

By | 2017-11-25T11:07:55+00:00 November 25th, 2017|002, Author, Dinner|0 Comments

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