Prepare To Make This Loaded Baked Potato Soup Over And Over Again – It’s That Good!
I’m pretty sure there’s no more perfect food in the world than this loaded baked potato soup. And not just because it’s delicious (even though it totally is – you’ll drool when you see the recipe!). But because it reminds me of my college days spent living with the best people in the world in the cold and snowy Midwest.
Don’t tell my kids and husband but my college days come a very close second in terms of the “best days of my life.” There’s just something about living with your very best friends and trying to figure out life together that makes for a very magical time.
I was fortunate to meet my best college friends my freshman year and then live with them until we graduated. We started out in a crowded dorm room and then eventually moved into a rundown college house that while horrifying to me now had seemed like a palace at the time. I’ve lost track of the number of parties, movie nights, brunches and more we threw at that house—but they are all treasured memories.
And any time we had people over my roommate would make this soup. It seems just complicated enough to impress any guests but is also so universally loved that it was gobbled up by anyone who tried it.
Quick tip: This is a perfect recipe for creating lots of leftovers! Leftover loaded baked potato soup can be frozen in freezer safe containers for up to 2 months. To reheat simply thaw in fridge overnight then reheat on the stove or in the microwave before serving.
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