The Last Beef Soup Recipe You Will EVER Need!

  • hearty beef soup

All Of Your Friends Will Want This Awesome Recipe!

When making beef soup, you can only hope to get out of it what you are willing to put into it. This tantalizing recipe from Donna is a fine case in point. It calls for some specialized ingredients. Don’t worry, nothing really exotic, but the quality of the ingredients will make a difference in the final result.

For instance, the recipe calls for the use of a Cabernet Sauvignon wine. This is a dry (as opposed to sweet) full-bodied red wine that has fruity overtones. The basic rule for cooking with wines is quite simple:  If you wouldn’t drink it, don’t cook with it. The point is not to get your food drunk, after all. It is to impart subtle flavors and richness to your food. This cannot be achieved with wine that resembles rubbing alcohol in taste and effect.

It is also critical that you use a good cut of meat if you want the beef to melt in your mouth, instead of being tough or stringy. Using the right cut and browning it before adding it to the soup gives the soup a great depth of flavor. Stew meat is definitely not recommended! Instead, choose chuck roast, chuck shoulder, chuck eye roast or top chuck. These cuts will give you meat you will be able to cut with your soup spoon.


Quick Tip:  Using the recommended Cabernet Sauvignon burgundy wine is going to give this soup a deep, rich flavor. But you can make an equally delicious, but different, soup by using beef stock or grape, cranberry or pomegranate juice. You can also mix beef stock and one of these juices.

Recipe and image courtesy of Donna at The Slow Roasted Italian

By | 2018-02-08T11:31:10+00:00 February 6th, 2018|001, Author, Dinner, Lunch, Main Dish|2 Comments

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