Finally, This Thanksgiving, The Secret To Perfect Pumpkin Pie Is Revealed!

  • triple spice pumpkin buttermilk pie

How To Turn An Unexpected Ingredient Into A Prize-Winning Thanksgiving Dessert!

Are you always on the lookout for the perfect pumpkin pie recipe? Time to stop looking, because this is it. Oh, I’ll grant you that it looks just like any other pumpkin pie that you have ever seen, but trust me, there are secrets hiding in those pumpkin-colored depths. Secrets that you are going to want to know. Secrets that will revolutionize the way you make pumpkin pie from this Thanksgiving forward.

You’ve been baking that same ol’ pumpkin pie all of your life, haven’t you? Yes, everyone is polite and takes a piece, but you can tell by the looks on their faces that their hearts just aren’t in it anymore. That they are just following tradition.

Time to knock those boring old transitions right onto their butts! Because, as Carrie says about her unique recipe, “This perfectly spicy & tangy Triple Spice Pumpkin Buttermilk Pie is about to replace your traditional pumpkin pie!” I can just hear my Southern grannie now, “Lawd, ha mercy, chile! Did y’all just say buttamilk? In da punkin pie? Pahdon me, but did I he y’all correctly? Naw, tha cain’t be right! Wuh ya wanna go messin’ roun’ wid da punkin pie fo?”


Quick Tip:  Mix double or triple the quantity of spices you will need for this pie. Place them in an airtight container, preferably a glass jar, and shake well to combine. You can use this same spice mix on grits, oatmeal or toast.

Recipe courtesy of Carrie at Frugal Foodie Mama, image courtesy of Smitten Kitchen

By | 2017-12-06T12:02:10+00:00 December 4th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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