Your Family Will Go Nuts When You Serve This For Supper

  • easy beef stroganoff

Full Of Flavor And Oh So Easy—It Doesn’t Get Much Better Than This

Let’s talking about the s word for a second, shall we? And no—I don’t mean that s word. I mean sports. And more specifically sports our kids play. Because I’ve got to confess that sometimes i wish kids under the age of 16 weren’t allowed to play sports that required a more than one day a week committment.

I mean who really has time for practice three nights a week and then games on weekends? Not this mom. At least not if she wants to keep her sanity. But it turns out that teamwork building activities like sports are good for kids’ development, so I’ve decided to forego my sanity in exchange for having healthy, well-rounded kiddos.

It seems like a pretty fair trade off.

But that doesn’t mean i don’t do all I can to ensure that i keep the chaos to a minimum. Every Sunday I write out the week’s schedule on our family whiteboard so nothing gets forgotten. I prep foods for lunches on the weekend so they’re easy to pack during the week. And I’ve acquired a pretty vast collection of quick and easy dinner recipes—that still actually taste good!


Quick tip: Add dided peppers (I love green and red) to the stroganoff for extra flavor and a veggie boost.

Recipe and image courtesy of Modern Mom Meals.

By | 2017-08-30T04:44:51+00:00 August 21st, 2017|002, Dinner, Main Dish, Popular, Well Liked|1 Comment

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