This May Be The Best Chip Dip Recipe You’ll Ever Make- Try It Today!

  • dip recipes - caramelized onion dip

People Can’t Get Enough Of This Crazy Delicious Dip!

I’ve come to the realization that dip recipes are dangerous for me. I’m fairly certain I haven’t met one I didn’t like and that if there’s a dip at a party there’s a 99.9% chance I’ll be hovering around the bowl, glancing territorially around me while I eat as much of it as humanly possible. I literally need to keep it out of my line of sight to avoid its tantalizing gaze. Especially when it’s something as delicious as this caramelized onion dip.

Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels this way about dips? I mean they’re pretty much the perfect food—they beg to be dipped with delicious crackers, bread and chips (or veggies if you’re feeling the healthy thing). My husband and I have dip for supper at least once a month and are constantly looking for new recipes to try.

A few months ago his boss retired and the company through him a big retirement party. It was at a fancy hotel just a few blocks from the business and the promise of good food enticed us to come even though we’re pretty strict homebodies. And I am so glad we didn’t give in to our hermit tendencies.

That party introduced us to a dip to end all dips.


Quick tip: This is one of those great dip recipes you can prepare ahead! If you need this made quickly make the caramelized onions a day or two before you assemble the dip then finish assembly right before serving.

By | 2018-01-24T17:40:22+00:00 December 23rd, 2017|002, Appetizer, Snacks|3 Comments

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