More Than One Surprise Ingredient Makes These The Best Deviled Eggs You’ve Ever Eaten!

  • Deviled Eggs

Stop Using Your Old Recipe And Make Deviled Eggs This BETTER Way Instead!

Deviled eggs have come a long way since my grandma used to make them for me on holidays. Top chefs all over the world have revisited this very classic dish, and they’ve added new twists along the way.  I’ve made my own special twist on deviled eggs.

In the past, I’ve experimented with tapenade, pepperoncini, and cayenne powder, all with great results. I decided to experiment with bacon to see if the classic breakfast combo worked as well. It did. In fact, it worked better than expected!

Originally, I thought that bacon would be the dominant flavor in these eggs, but not in the way that I expected! First, you’ll taste tangy mustard and tart lemon juice. Then, you’ll taste the creamy salad dressing.

Next, there is a hint of fresh onion and egg. Only after all these tastes does the bacon flavor come into the mix. The bacon becomes the salty crescendo in a wonderful finale of flavors and textures that I will happily serve my family whenever I can.

These eggs could easily be made the day before and kept in the fridge for a quick breakfast, or served at any brunch. Or, you can always make them for yourself just because!


Quick Tip: Chop the bacon as finely as possible for the best consistency.

By | 2018-01-19T17:29:06+00:00 November 6th, 2017|004, Author, Breakfast, In Demand, Popular, Side Dish, Snacks|4 Comments

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