Isn’t Everything Better With Bacon?

  • blackberry bacon grilled cheese sandwich

What Secret Ingredient Is Hiding In Here?

Okay, confess. By a show of hands, how many of you grew up eating grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup? You know, those sandwiches made with that processed stuff known as “American cheese” (oh, the shame of it!) and packaged in little squares that you had to carefully peel apart? That is, until some marketing genius discovered you could wrap them individually in plastic!

Well, we’ve come a LONG way, baby, since those good ol’ cheesy days! Nowadays, grilled cheese sandwiches come in a staggering variety. Gone is that slimy, orangey-yellow goop. It has been replaced by cheese, REAL cheese, glorious cheese – the kind that actually starts with cows, peacefully grazing in fields all over the world. Today, if you do a tiny bit of research, you’ll find your perfect grilled cheese sandwich. This one is mine!

This recipe is a delectable example of the heights to which grilled cheese sandwiches have been elevated. I love Swiss cheese (all varieties of Swiss cheese), so this captured my attention right away. Plus, it has bacon! Nobody on two feet loves bacon more than I do – my cat and dogs don’t count with their four-leggedness, even though they go into absolute frenzies when the bacon comes out of the fridge!


Quick Tip:  Tired of getting splattered by bacon grease? Don’t like that impossible-to-clean mesh cover for your skillet? Try this! Place your bacon in a cold pan. Now add just enough water to completely cover the bottom of the pan, but not enough so your bacon is doing the backstroke! Now cook over medium-high heat just until the water has all evaporated. That will render the fat from the bacon and keep it from splattering and burning you. Now turn the heat down to medium and finish cooking to your desired level of crispiness.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Cathy Trochelman at Lemon Tree Dwelling

By | 2017-07-30T17:04:12+00:00 July 30th, 2017|001, Breakfast, Snacks|0 Comments

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