This Is The Perfect Dessert For Potlucks and Parties

  • cinnamon roll banana cake

Cinnamon Swirls Take This Banana Cake To The Next Level of Deliciousness

After having my first baby my mom was a huge help. Her and my dad lived just a few miles away and she’d stop in a couple times a week to watch my daughter while I snuck in a quick nap or did some work around the house. My husband worked long hours during that time (it was summer and he worked construction), so I was thrilled to have the extra help while I could get it.

On a particularly rough morning when neither baby nor I had gotten much sleep the night before I was probably happier to see my mom than ever before. She told me to go lie down and catch up on some sleep while she would rock the baby and try to get her to sleep, too. Grateful and exhausted, I fell into bed and slept soundly. It was glorious!

And after I woke as I tiptoed out of our room to peek into the nursery (she was still sleeping soundly), a delicious aroma caught my attention. I followed my nose all the way to the kitchen to find my mother pulling a sheet pan out of the oven.

”What is that?” I asked her, inhaling the heavenly scent?


Quick tip: This recipe makes 24 servings.

Recipe and image courtesy of Beth’s Favorite Recipes.

By | 2017-10-28T10:42:32+00:00 September 22nd, 2017|002, Author, Main Dish|0 Comments

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