The Most Tender Bird You’ll Ever Eat – Thanks To This Easy Brine Recipe

  • turkey

    Only A Few Spices Can Make Your Thanksgiving Turkey Mouth-Wateringly Delicious

    Want to learn how to prepare a juicy, flavorful turkey for Thanksgiving Day? This recipe includes instructions for brining, trussing and roasting a turkey. Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think!

    Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I for one, cannot wait to sit around the big dining room table with my family to eat a ton of food, drink wine, and enjoy each other’s company.

    When you think about Thanksgiving day, where does your mind wander first? Are you thinking about the green bean casserole? The dessert? Your aunt’s favorite stuffing? My mind always wanders to the TURKEY! Do you roast yours or fry yours?

    Maybe the husband will smoke one this year. There are so many options nowadays when it comes to cooking the main course, it can be hard to choose.

    If I’m in charge (which I usually am for Thanksgiving), the bird will most certainly be roasted. Tis the place to be if you want a great roasting recipe for a turkey.

    Below are the essentials you need to slam out a beautiful, moist and delicious turkey. My number one tip for the best roasted turkey is to always, always, always brine it. This recipe will help you out!


    Quick Tip: You can replace the final ingredient with Seasoned Salt

    Recipe and image courtesy of: The Anthony Kitchen

    By | 2017-12-06T12:02:08+00:00 December 4th, 2017|004, Author, Fall, Main Dish, Thanksgiving|0 Comments

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