4-Ingredient Easy, Comfort-Food Delicious

  • sausage and gravy casserole

If Gravy Runs In Your Veins, You’ll Love This!

The American South runs on biscuits and gravy! Nobody even has to ask what is meant by “gravy,” because everyone there grew up eating this same dish of savory sausage, bathed in velvety gravy and served over flaky biscuits. This dish is the rib-sticking breakfast of legends!

With her fantastic recipe, Mitzi gives this classic dish a unique spin – you actually bake it in the oven. Twice! I used to labor over making my biscuits. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t get them to turn out “just right,” and both my kitchen and I ended up one big ol’ floury mess, after the dust settled.

So when I saw this recipe, I almost passed it by, knowing my biscuit-making skills weren’t up to the task. But I am SO glad I stopped to look more closely! I don’t know why it never crossed my mind to use already prepared, refrigerated biscuits. It’s not like I didn’t know they were there. I’ve eaten and served them to guests many times. I’ll blame it on my math skills:  I just never thought of putting two and two together. Even if I had, no doubt I still would have just baked the biscuits and poured the gravy on top.


Quick Tip:  If you want to get adventuresome, try different types of sausage to give this dish entirely different tastes. Look for spicy sausage, sweet Italian sausage, chorizo, sage sausage or even turkey sausage. You could even make this dish using link sausage.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Mitzi Smith at Written Reality

By | 2017-07-31T15:52:56+00:00 July 31st, 2017|001, Breakfast, Main Dish|0 Comments

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